125 Mitchell Blvd., Suite F, San Rafael, CA 94903 ph.415.472.6004 CCL # 627224
DIY Videos
Here are some useful videos which may help you save money and better understand the operation of your door and motor as well as minimize issues you may encounter.
Why won’t my garage door close?
How do I program my 893Max remote control?
How do I disconnect and reconnect my garage door opener?
How do I set up the wi-fi to MyQ app and link with the motor?
Why are the operator/motor lights staying on?
How do I minimize water in my garage?*
*Note: If your concrete is sloped, uneven or running in the wrong directions, water can enter into the garage from under the garage door. This product can help minimize this issue. Northgate Garage Doors, Inc. does not sell this product. It can be purchased using the information provided in the video.
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